The Chamber Singers thank you
for a wonderful June concert series!
“Postcards! A capella songs and stories of special places” was a labor of love for us. We loved singing for you and sharing our stories. And we loved meeting many of you in Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, Eastham, Brewster, and Harwich Port!
Watch this space for future performances by the Chamber Singers! Or better yet – join our mailing list so you’ll be in-the know!

The Outer Cape Chorale Chamber Singers is an auditioned acapella ensemble from the Outer Cape Chorale. This enthusiastic, fun-loving group performs a series of concerts across the Outer Cape each year, and often appears with the full Chorale in their semi-annual concerts.
Chamber Singers – 2024/2025 season
Russ Braun
Bill Carlson
Marca Daley
Tanya Delorme
Marcy Feller
Linda Freundlich
Al Gentle
Janice Gray
Paul Goddu
Lor Holmes
Barb Honda
Dianne Kopser
Martha Magane
Pat McDonald
Beth Perry
Sue Peters
Nancy Sweeney
Chris Vasquez
Tim Welles
Audiences love the Chamber Singers!
Here’s what they said:
My mom is 92. She is a pragmatic, practical New Englander, descended from Mayflower stock. She was taken by surprise by her reaction to the concert at the Wellfleet Library. She was so overcome with emotion she could barely talk. “I didn’t know how much I missed this. I’m in heaven!” she told me. Thank you.