We would like to provide you with some great choral experiences during our necessary OCC hiatus. Look for our email in your InBox each month and treat yourself to a mini-choral-concert! We hope you will sit back and relax and enjoy the performance links below!
We will also provide you the opportunity to meet some of our amazing OCC folks and we will also feature our beloved sponsors who, with you and your contributions, make the Outer Cape Chorale possible!
Thanks in advance for joining us each month! (Join our mailing list here.)
Here are two Choral Treasures for your listening pleasure!

Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Faure
is one of the most beloved of all choral pieces. This recording is your six minute close-your-eyes-and-be-transported opportunity for the day!
Click here for the Cantique De Jean Racine, John Rutter conducting
Fauré wrote Cantique de Jean Racine (1865) as a 19-year-old, and won first prize from l’Ecole de Musique Classique et Religieuse of Paris. Fauré, known for his reaction to the larger more bombastic compositions of those who came before, composed this in his meticulous, simple style over several months.
Faure’s paraphrased translation:
Word of God, one with the Most High,
in Whom alone we have our hope,
Eternal Day of heaven and earth,
We break the silence of the peaceful night;
Saviour Divine, cast your eyes upon us!
Pour on us the fire of your powerful grace,
That all hell may flee at the sound of your voice;
Banish the slumber of a weary soul,
That brings forgetfulness of your laws!
O Christ, look with favour upon your faithful people
Now gathered here to praise you;
Receive their hymns offered to your immortal glory;
May they go forth filled with your gifts.

The William Tell Overture!
And now, for a little levity to brighten your day!
OCC Singer Spotlight!
Tom Jahnke – Kapelmeister
Mary Avellar

Though much of the music in my life is on hiatus during this pandemic, some of the musical groups I am a part of decided to make changes to how and where we rehearse or play. I miss the Outer Cape Chorale terribly as singing is one of my great passions.
(Read more…)

I’ve kind of been living in a whirlwind! I’ve had a lot of changes since January. I’ve had to help close a business I’ve worked at for 25 year, got a new job that is overwhelmingly busy and exhausting I’m just beginning to adjust.
(Read more…)
OCC Sponsor Spotlight!
“The Outer Cape Chorale is an amazing cultural institution that provides entertainment, education, and enlightenment to such a large diverse audience and performers here in Provincetown and Cape Cod.”
Dr Scott A. Allegretti
Click here for the Provincetown Dental Arts Website
A very special thank you to Dr. Scott A. Allegretti for keeping the Outer Cape Chorale mission alive!
Please visit all of our sponsors and say “thank you” from OCC!
UNTIL NEXT MONTH…Happy Summer from all of us at OCC!
Contributions are gratefully accepted!
Click here to visit our Donate page