Fall 2019 OCC Singer’s Blog
In Rehearsal for Magnificent Magnificats!
December 7, 2019 – Special Article
The Magnificat: Mary’s Revolutionary Text – a Biblical and Theological Perspective Not only do we sing! The Outer Cape Chorale also seeks to educate singers and community members about our repertoire. As part of this program, author, singer, and OCC Board VP...
November 21, 2019 – Twelfth Rehearsal
Decrease Those Aches and Pains! At our last rehearsal we were treated to a quick and very helpful overview from physical therapist Kathy Stetson about dealing with our aches and pains standing on risers, holding heavy music, and the aftermath of tired feet, legs,...
October 31, 2019 – Ninth Rehearsal
Witches, Ghouls, and Gandalf, Too! Photos by Martha Magane Last week's rehearsal fell on Halloween night - and some of our singers came ready to scare you! Or, at least to Trick or Treat! Allison had a bag of treats for everyone! Oh, and we rehearsed,...
October 17 & 24, 2019 – Sectional Rehearsals
What to do on a Night Off From Rehearsal By Martha Magane Allison threw us a rehearsal curve ball these next two weeks, scheduling sectionals on Thursday nights and rehearsal for all on Tuesday. Getting instructions straight – especially those which mean a change in...
October 10, 2019 – Sixth Rehearsal
OCC – What it means to me By Deborah Minsky I first joined this irreplaceable group in 2007, the season of Italian Opera Choruses, and it changed my life – I must admit, though, that signing in on my very first night of rehearsal then was a bit of a challenge, just...