Choral Treasures – December 2020

We hope you will treat yourself to this holiday mini-choral-concert! Relax, take a few moments to enjoy the performance links below!
We also hope you will enjoy meeting Kathleen Henry, one of our amazing OCC folks and our beloved sponsors who, with you and your contributions, make the Outer Cape Chorale possible!
Speaking of which, we are receiving your wonderful gifts in response to our Fall Campaign. We are so very grateful! We will now plan in earnest for OCC’s future concerts. We can’t wait! Thank you again so very much. If you would like to make a contribution to OCC, visit our Donate page.
All of OCC wishes each and every one of you a fabulous, safe and happy holiday season!
(Join our mailing list here.)
Enjoy these Holiday Choral Treasures!

To some of us it can’t be the holidays without hearing (and singing!) Handel’s Messiah!
Messiah, Part 1 performed by Collegium 1704 under the baton of Václav Luks (54:00)
Hallelujah Chorus performed by the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs and the Sydney Philharmonia Orchestra (3:30)
Considered one of the most popular holiday songs, this is a grand arrangement performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Bell Choir (3:00)
This hauntingly beautiful piece includes orchestra, boy soprano and a choir that all build to a glorious finish (4:00)
12 Days of Christmas by Straight No Chaser
Listen for more holiday fun than you could ever hope to expect! (3:30)
OCC Singer Spotlight!
Kathleen Henry, Soprano

Why is music (and/or OCC) important in your life?
Music is spiritual for me. It connects me to the supernatural within me and in the universe.
What are you listening to?
I love Bach and Handel and 60’s folk music!
What is your first (or favorite) music experience?
When I was 4, I was a flower girl in our next door neighbor’s wedding. I was all dolled up in baby blue tulle. During the reception, I wandered away from my parents and took myself up to the orchestra leader and told him I could sing. What did I want to sing, he asked, and I answered: Davey Crockett. He pulled the piano bench up to the microphone and stood me up on it and I belted out every verse. My mother was HORRIFIED. “That sounds like Kathy!” she said. It’s been difficult since to get me off a stage.
OCC Sponsor Spotlight!
A very special thank you to everyone at Berta Walker Gallery
for keeping the Outer Cape Chorale mission alive!
Please visit all of our sponsors and say “thank you” from OCC!
Contributions are gratefully accepted!
Click here to visit our Donate page
or by mail: Outer Cape Chorale,PO Box 474, South Wellfleet, MA 02663

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