Choral Treasures – March 2021

Enjoy previous versions!

The first two pieces below are folk songs that create the energy of spring pushing up and out from the ground and the trees and…..well, everything and everywhere! Note their similarities even though from different cultures!
Then relax to the lovely Gartan Mother’s Lullaby.
Then wake up(!) to choral marches – singing has always been an important part of our Armed Forces!
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This month’s selections:
Spring calling, Belarusian Folk Song
Performed by mixed choir SALUTARIS from Belarus
Conductor: Olga Yanum
International Baltic Sea Choir Competition (IBSCC), Grand Prix
Oh, spring
Oh, spring, vernal spring.
Where’s the young lady, your daughter?
The young lady want to drive the bull-calf to the lindens,
All the boys and fiddles follow her.
Oh, spring, wake up, beautiful spring,
The vernal sun is making the flowers bloom,
The vernal sun will sing with us.
Oh, spring, wake up, beautiful spring,
Up there in the sky, the sun is playing with a lark,
The vernal sun is calling the spring.
Oh, spring, vernal spring.
Where’s the young lady, your daughter?
The young lady want to drive the bull-calf to the lindens,
All the boys and fiddles follow her.
Oh, spring, beautiful spring,
Oh, spring, beautiful spring.
The Passing of the Year: II. The narrow bud opens her beauties to the sun
Voces8 · Jonathan Dove
The narrow bud opens her beauties to
The sun, and love runs in her thrilling veins;
Blossoms hang round the brows of Morning, and
Flourish down the bright cheek of modest Eve,
Till clust’ring Summer breaks forth into singing,
And feather’d clouds strew flowers round her head.
The spirits of the air live in the smells
Of fruit; and Joy, with pinions light, roves round
The gardens, or sits singing in the trees.
– William Blake
A little Irish for the month of March!
Sung by Montana Chamber Chorale, conducted by Dr. David Edmonds.
Accompanied by flute and piano
OCC Singer Spotlight!
Laura Gill and Marie Hartley

Why is music (and/or OCC) important in our lives?
Laura: Without music, life would simply lack luster! And because OF it, I met the love of my life and fellow Singer Spotlight subject, Marie Hartley! We both started singing when we were very young and continued through high school and college. In our early 30s, we met while singing with the Choral Arts Society of Washington, DC (CASW). We were so lucky to have been directed by Norman Scribner, and others, including Mstislav (Slava) Rostropovich and Neville Mariner, and with orchestral accompaniment of the National Symphony, we performed regularly at the Kennedy Center (and Marie in Russia and Italy).
Marie: Music has been important in my life since childhood. My grandmother was a high school choral director, and, just like me and Laura, met my grandfather though singing. I have been truly fortunate to have had excellent choral directors my whole life, from Jr. High, Sr. High, Oberlin College, and post-college. Singing has taken me to many places—Carnegie Hall, Symphony Hall, The Kennedy Center, Rome and Spoleto, Italy and Red Square!
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