Choral Treasures – May 2021

OCC brings you great choral music for May!
It’s May! Normally, we would have performed in concert for you on the weekend of the 14th. While we are very disappointed to not yet be able to sing together, we have high hopes for next season.
So much so that we have held weekly rehearsals via zoom since March 1st in order to prepare John Rutter’s Magnificat for you! When we are able to come together for this glorious work, we think you will find it stunningly beautiful and very exciting as well. I have included the final movement here so that you might enjoy it this month ~ as we have!
But before you scroll down to the Magnificat link, listen to some festive songs of the season ~ from ancient times to present.
Happy May everyone!
Allison Beavan, Artistic Director
If you would like to make a contribution to OCC, visit our Donate page.
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Please enjoy this month’s selections!
Summer is Icumen in, the Hilliard Ensemble
Sumer is icumen in, the earliest surviving complete English secular song.
Procession & Shout for Joy – 2012 GMEA All State Senior Men Chorus
Hint….there’s a fun reference to Mother’s Day in here!
Gloria Patri from Magnificat, John Rutter, sung by Cambridge Singers
Enjoy the opening majestic statement, the lovely solo chant and the fiery ending celebration!
OCC Singer Spotlight!
Diane Carlson, Soprano

When I was a youngster my favorite nighttime activity was listening to my father and his Barbershop Quartet practicing in our home. His baritone cadence bouncing down the scale still resonates with me today. What a memorable introduction to song and music. Piano lessons, Glee club membership, choir membership and shower singing followed. Now the Outer Cape Chorale fills that beautiful connection to song. In addition to learning new singing skills and developing new friendships, the excitement and warmth that our final product delivers to the audience is exhilarating.
During this covid year, I kept sane by learning to play the ukulele; just for me, just for fun. I find it to be a delightful way to reduce stress; just pick it up and play. Hiking with friends and dabbling in the craft of Mandala painting round out my covid experiences.
Please visit all of our sponsors and say “thank you” from OCC!
Contributions are gratefully accepted!
Click here to visit our Donate page
or by mail: Outer Cape Chorale,PO Box 474, South Wellfleet, MA 02663

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